
Samuel Karlin skarlin@cpsge.org 413-594-3526
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Elementary Web-Based Educational Resources for Home
9 days ago
Web-Based Educational Resources for Use at Home
Elementary Level
We have compiled a list of various web-based resources to use to continue to encourage learning at home during our closure. Click on the blue hyperlinks to access the website. These resources will be updated as more become available. These sites were all reviewed prior to posting and were working and appropriate at that time. We recommend that parents review the site prior to allowing their children to use it, as web content changes frequently.
General Educational Websites
Khan Academy (All Levels)
Great free resource for digital learning in all subjects.
ABCYa (PK-6+)
Contains a variety of free educational games in various subjects.
PBS Kids Games (Elementary)
Contains a variety of free videos, games, and resources.
Sheppard Software Games (Elementary)
Educational games for ELA, Math, & Science
Typing Club (All levels)
Interactive typing practice and games. Parents may sign up for a free account for their child. (Some schools also use this program. If your child uses this program in school, he will need to use a school specific Typing Club link to log in. Many schools post a link on their website.)
Typing Agent (All levels)
Typing program used in some schools. Students will need their username/password to login.
Great educational videos and activities. Brain Pop has allowed our district to have temporary, free access to their site during our closure.. You may log in using Chicopee1 for both the username and password.
Seussville (Elementary)
A variety of Dr. Seuss activities and videos.
An early literacy and math site. Contains games, videos, and digital books. (No sign in needed.)
Highlights for Kids(Elementary)
Highlights Kids offers craft ideas, jokes, games, science, and podcasts on various topics. (No sign in needed.)
PBS Learning Media (All Levels) or WGBH Distance Learning (All Levels)
PBS has organized a variety of resources for grades K-12. There are videos, activity ideas, etc. in various subjects such as ELA, math, science and social studies. All resources are organized by grade level and subject.
Every Massachusetts resident is eligible for a Boston Public Library eCard. Register online and access any of their eResources - including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, streaming music, streaming video, online courses and more. Overdrive, Libby, RBDigital, Hoopla, Kanopy, Mango Languages, Lynda, etc.
Put your search skills to the test! “There’s no right way to solve it, but there’s only one right answer”
Math Websites
Pearson Envisions (Elementary)
District’s K-5 Math Core Program; Students will need to have their username/password.
Multiplicaton.com (Elementary)
Includes games to practice math facts. Students may pick from
addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
Cool Math (Elementary)
Variety of math games. Choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or fractions
Xtramath (All Levels)
Fact fluency program used in some elementary/middle schools. Students will need their username and password to log in.
Supplemental math program used in some elementary/middle schools. Students will need their username and password to log in.
List of a variety of math activities for home (K-2)
Bedtime Math(Elementary)
Bedtime Math has added some free, easy, printable math activities to try at home as a family..
Access to 10 questions per day free without a membership. Topics are available at any level Pre-K through Calculus.
ELA Websites
McGraw Hill Wonders (Elementary)
District’s K-5 ELA Core Program: For students who use a regular log-in and password ONLY. This link will not work if a child uses a simplified, picture based log in (typically gr. K-2).
Supplemental reading resource used in some elementary schools. Students will need their username and password to log in.
Lexia Core 5 (Elementary)
Supplemental reading resource used in some elementary schools. Students will need their username and password to log in. App also available.
Newsela (Grades 2+)
Supplemental reading resource used in some elementary and secondary schools. Students will need their username and password to log in.
Teach Your Monster to Read ( PK-2)
Focuses on early reading skills in a game based format. Parents can create a free account on desktops for their child. There is also an app that is normally $4.99, but is free for a limited time.
Read Theory (All Levels)
Focuses on Reading Comprehension Parents can create a free account for their child.
List of Activities to Encourage Phonemic Awareness (PK-2)
Scholastic Learn at Home (PK-6+)
Scholastic has put together some free digital book resources to use during closure. They will add new activities each day for a total of 20 days. The site will provide instructions on how to sign up for a free account.
EBLI will be offering 2 read alouds via Zoom. You can sign up and recordings will be emailed to you if you can’t participate during the live events. This spring you can choose from two books: Little House in the Big Woods or Reaching for the Moon: The Autobiography of a NASA Mathematician.
Videos of popular picture books being read aloud.. Sit back and listen to a great book!
Junior Library Guild (All Levels)
The Junior Library Guild has provided free access to reading materials during our closure. There are separate usernames/passwords for each level and are located on the page linked above.
Read, Wonder, Learn! (Elementary)
This site has compiled several different picture book read alouds. It even includes a few drawing videos.
Social Studies & Science
Mystery Science (Elementary)
Mystery Science is a resource used in our elementary schools. The company is offering free access with no sign in required during our closure.
Virtual Museum Tours (All Levels)
Links to 12 museums from around the world that offer free virtual tours.
Full length cartoon videos about the American Revolution. Learn about the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts, and more.
National Geographic Kids’ YouTube channel. Learn about the world, different types of jobs and fun facts.
Educational YouTube video about Volcanoes.
Variety of science videos that are geared toward K-2, 3-5 or 6-8.
Many videos are currently free to watch. No sign in needed.
Free, high-quality educational videos used by teachers and learners of all kinds. Crash Course Kids currently has dozens of videos focused on 5th grade science.
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (All Levels)
The Cincinnati Zoo will be holding a “Facebook Live” event each day at 3PM where they will highlight one of their amazing animals and include an activity that can be done at home. Check out their Facebook page: “Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden”.
Art & Music
Draw Everyday (All levels)
Jarrett Krosocka, an author and illustrator will be live every weekday with a live art lesson (for the next few weeks) at 2pm on YouTube. Recorded sessions will also be available.
Paint Sip Fun from Hampden, MA (All Levels)
Follow Paint Sip Fun on Facebook. This local business will be offering FREE art lessons for all ages for the next two weeks on their Facebook page. The first lesson will be Monday, March 15 at 6pm. Grab some paper and a pencil (or pen or sharpie) and learn how to draw!
Music Notation (Elementary)
YouTube Video about music notation.
Learn about classical music and composers through videos, games, and readings. New episodes are added every Saturday at 10am.
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! (All levels)
Mo Willems, author/illustrator of popular children’s books is partnering with The Kennedy Center to hold Lunch Doodle. He’ll be hosting a live video in his studio daily at 1 PM. Grab some paper, pencils or crayons and join Mo as he explores how doodling and writing go hand in hand. Videos will also be recorded, so that they can be streamed later on.
Learn how to draw using step by step videos.
GoNoodle (Elementary)
Interactive Videos for Dancing, Moving, & Brain Breaks
Fablefy - Living Mindfully (Elementary)
Youtube videos for kids to practice Mindfulness and Relaxation
Cosmic Kids Yoga (Elementary)
YouTube videos for kids’ yoga and mindfulness techniques.
BeachBody has posted some free workout videos for kids to try while they are at home.
How the Body Works (Elementary)
Youtube cartoons videos focusing on how the body works.
World Languages
Duolingo (All levels)
Vocabulary games for French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, & other languages.
SEL Parent Resources
Things to do With Your Children
15 Ways to Connect with Your Kids
Non-digital activities to try at home.
Giant List of Kid Friendly Activities
Non-digital activities to try at home.
Talking to Children about the Coronavirus
How to Talk to Children about the Coronavirus
Article from Harvard Medical with guidance on how to discuss COVID-19 with Children.
In multiple languages:
Social Emotional Learning (Elementary)
Social Emotional Learning Pre-K
Social Emotional Learning for Grades K-2
Social Emotional Learning Resources for Grades 3-5
Acting with Purpose (Elementary)
English Language Learners (All Levels)
An early literacy and math site. Contains games, videos, and digital books. (No sign in needed.)
Supplemental reading resources used in some elementary schools. Books are available in English and Spanish. Students will need their username and password to log in.
English as a Second Language (ESOL) Resources from the NY Public Library
Learning English for Kids (UK English)
Mission Statement
Our mission at Belcher School is to provide educational opportunities for the students in order for them to be lifelong learners who can solve problems, use technology and have the social skills to be productive adults in our community.
To this end we believe that:
- Belcher School regards instruction as one of the most important functions of education.
- Belcher school will continue to provide equal educational opportunities.
- Belcher School will be sensitive to and provide for the individual needs of its students.
- Belcher School will continue to develop an appreciation of other cultures.
- Belcher School will continue to have an environment that is conducive to learning.
- Belcher School will continue to be dedicated to developing in each student the ability, wisdom, and character to fashion a worthy and useful life.
All children at Belcher School, with support from the parents, faculty, staff and community, will be provided with the best possible academic and social education in order for them to achieve their full potential as life long learners.

Park in designated spots at drop-off

Parents: If you walk your child into school, please park your vehicle in a designated spot. Do not leave your car in the drop-off line.
We need crossing guards!

Chicopee Public Schools has immediate openings for crossing guards. Call 413-594-3516 if interested.
This notification is required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA, 40 CFR Part 763 of the Toxic Substances Control Act.)
An asbestos plan has been developed for each of the Chicopee Public School buildings.
This plan is available and accessible to the public at the Chicopee Public Schools Maintenance Department, 816 James St. Chicopee, MA 01022. To view this plan please call Scott Chapdelaine at 594-3417 to make an appointment.